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19.08. - 22.08.2021 PAPER POSITIONS Berlin 2021

19.08. - 22.08.2021

Deutsche Telekom Hauptstadtrepräsentanz

Französische strasse 33 a-c, 10117 Berlin

Maksla XO Gallery – PAPER POSITIONS Berlin 2021

Artists: Janis Sneiders, Paulis LIepa

Stand  Nr. 36

The international art fair of contemporary and modern art, PAPER POSITIONS Berlin 2021, took place in Berlin from 19 to 22 August 2021, with a unique focus on drawings and works on paper, collages and photographs, art books, illustrations and sculptures. In addition to works by contemporary artists, exhibited were also works by contemporary art classics and old masters, including Emil Nolde, Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, George Grosz, Antoni Tàpies, Rupprecht Geiger, Joseph Beuys, Stephen Wilks, Marion Boehm, Mafalda Figueiredo.
The venue is 19th-century building “The Lichthof” or the so-called “Courtyard of Light”, which today serves as the main building for Deutsche Telekom AG Hauptstadtrepräsentanz. The location of the exhibition is not accidental - since 2010, Deutsche Telekom has been creating its own art collection - Art Collection Telekom -, which focuses on contemporary art from Eastern and South-Eastern Europe. Deutsche Telekom sees its collection as a response to the social and political changes following the “fall of the Iron Curtain”, seeking to raise awareness of the vast cultural diversity of Europe through the visual arts. The collection represents a wide range of media, from drawing to digital installations, etc. Since 2018, Art Collection Telekom includes works by Latvian contemporary graphic artist Paulis Liepa.
For the PAPER POSITIONS Berlin 2021, the exposition of Maksla XO Gallery consisted of screen prints and relief prints by Paulis Liepa, where he talks about the search for the ideal space and solutions, as well as miniatures by Janis Sneiders, made with acrylic ink and graphite on paper.
During the PAPER POSITIONS Berlin 2021, The Secco Pontanova Foundation, as a part of Claus Michaletz-Preis 2020, presented the catalogue of artworks by Janis Sneiders.

Janis Sneiders. Dinner. 2021, graphite, acrylic ink on paper, 16x21 cm

On the 18th of April 2016 Mākslas galerija Māksla XO Ltd. has signed an agreement Nr. SKV-L-2016/57 with Investment and Development Agency of Latvia (LIAA)  for the project "International competitiveness promotion", which is co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund.