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22.02. - 26.02.2017 ART MADRID '17

22.02. - 26.02.2017

Crystal Gallery CentroCentro Cibeles

C / Montalbán 1, Madrid, Spain

Ieva Iltnere. Painting. 2016. Acrylic on canvas. 170x200cm

Maksla XO Gallery at ART MADRID'17

Ieva Iltnere, Helena Heinrihsone, Ivars Heinrihsons, Normunds Braslins


At ART MADRID 2017 Maksla XO gallery’s collection will be based on painting and its essential role in contemporary art, presenting four established Latvian painters, whose styles have become their "trademarks" not only in the Latvian art context but also in international projects. Thematically, the main focus is turned to a human and a portrait.

Helena Heinrihsone’s latest series of paintings “I love you” is a tribute to Alex Katz. It’s about the puzzlement of feelings, naiveté and directness. A romantic vision, which conscious banality is confined by irony. It was inspired by young people in love in a (mood) charactering environment – on the background of the world's most significant architectural sites and landscapes.

Ivars Heinrihsons in his virtuously expressive achromatic works depicting his trend-mark themes (piano, horses and ballerinas) has reached an abstract form, reducing the well-known characters to signs.

Ieva Iltnere’s paintings areornamental and aesthetical beauties and ironical documentations of this era, speaking about nowadays fetishes and icons that we adore.

Normunds Braslins’ paintings are based on the timeless classical tradition of masters of the Early Italian Renaissance, which is dominated by an ideal beauty of a young woman and universal values, harmony and perfection, and a longing for the “Golden age”.
